Derek Klemperer - an appreciation

Derek and Joyce Klemperer sign copies of their book "The Henleaze Lake Story"

We are sad to report the death of Derek Klemperer who passed away recently.  Derek was a stalwart member of the Club’s Executive Committee and a Lake Trustee for many decades.

Derek first joined the Club’s Executive Committee in the 1970s and quickly started to make a contribution.  Derek and his wife Joyce took over the running of the Angling Section of the Club in 1982 and ran it until very recently.  Derek and Joyce helped make many improvement to angling at the Lake and ensured an enjoyable angling experience for many generations of anglers who have much to thank Derek and Joyce for.

Derek also put endless hours into protecting the Club’s land and boundary from encroachment. Derek’s detailed records and notes are still being put to good use towards this end.

We also have Derek to thank for preserving the Club’s historic photos and archive: which were used as a source for Derek and Joyce’s book “The Henleaze Lake Story” published in 2007.

More recently Derek was a prime mover in the Club’s move to become a charity to protect its continuing use for swimming.

The Club has much to thank Derek for, particularly, alongside Carol Holloway, Clare Meehan and others, in ensuring the Club’s survival in the lean years of the 1980s. As Carol Holloway commented “Derek was a man of many talents who was extremely generous with the time and energy he devoted to the Club”.

 Henleaze Swimming Club Executive Committee